More Than a Feeling — it’s a Rating
’Tis the season for adventure, specifically a ladies trip. A time to make somewhat post pandemic memories. My friends are all vaccinated so we’ve decided to visit our friend in Boston.
“She said I think I’ll go to Boston” -Augustana
Conveniently the weekend I’m traveling to Boston with the girls, happens to be the same week my brother is moving to Boston. As a result, I took the liberty of doing some Yelp research on the best spots in Boston.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import requests
import json
#from yelp.client import Client
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
To get some data from yelp
url = ''
response = requests.get(url)
Check the status code
# check the status code
Insert your API key to pull in the first 50 bagel places in Boston
MY_API_KEY = "insert_your_key_here"term = 'bagels'
location = 'Boston'
SEARCH_LIMIT = 50url = ''headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(MY_API_KEY),
}url_params = {
'term': term.replace(' ', '+'),
'location': location.replace(' ', '+'),
response_bagels = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=url_params)
Check response
Turn the text into a JSON file
bagels = json.loads(response_bagels.text)
print(type(bagels)) #spoiler - jsons are dictionaries
Use the following code to find the keys in the JSON dictionary
for key in bagels.keys():
Using the values of the business key to create a dataframe
#making the bagels dictionary a dataframe
bagels_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(bagels['businesses'])
Find out the columns
Reduce amount of columns
df = bagels_df.loc[:,['name', 'rating', 'review_count', 'price', 'location']]
Sort the dataframe from highest rated bagels to lowest rated bagels
df = df.sort_values('rating', ascending = False)
Make graph
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (15,7.5))
x = df['name'][:25]
y = df['rating'][:25]
ax.set_xlabel('Name', fontsize = 17)
ax.set_ylabel('Rating', fontsize = 17)
ax.set_title('Bagel Places Boston', fontsize = 24)
plt.xticks(rotation=80, fontsize = 15),y, color = 'dodgerblue')plt.savefig('../data/Bagels_namerating')
And repeat the process with other terms. Instead of the string bagel we can use the string coffee.